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Pitta person pillow

Quick Overview

Pitta types are like fire energetic, dynamic and passionate, yet destructive when out of control. They are know for their sharp, efficient intellect and also their sharp anger. When balanced, Pitta typers are the most intelligent, perceptive and courageous of the three types. They can be warm, friendly, independent, and their perfectionist tendencies often arise as sharp criticism of themselves and others. They tend to dislike heat, preferring cool climates, foods and drinks and often have especially heartly appetites. They are determinded and tend to pursue their strengths single mindedly, sometimes at the cost of ore wholistic balance they can be hateful, vindictive, even psychopathic or criminal. When well fed and content, their natural heat creates courage and clarity. Pitta people need cool sweet smelling scents to keep the mind calm, cool and balanced.